
  • Master Matteknologi 2010 - 2015

  • Academy of integrative nutrition 2024-2025


Hvem er Veronica

“I’m a certified Integrative Nutritionist, a healthcare professional dedicated to promoting your overall health and wellness.I take a naturopathic approach, combines traditional nutritional science with lifestyle strategies to address the root causes of health issues, not just symptoms. Rather than focusing solely on individual nutrients,

I consider the full picture, including stress management, sleep, physical activity, and emotional well-being. My goal is to empower you to live a healthier, more balanced life.”


Kan hjelpe med

  • overvekt

  • vektoppgang

  • høyt blodtrykk

  • høyt kolesterol

  • hudproblemer

  • mage-/tarmproblematikk

  • vitamin- og mineralmangel

  • hormonbalanse

  • stressreduksjon og mental helse

  • søvnplager

  • urolighet og lite energi